10 Things To Remove From Your Kitchen Today

Our kitchen is the hub of the home. But without intentionality, our cabinets can quickly be full of things we no longer need. Today I’m sharing with you 10 things you can remove from your kitchen today! Set a timer and I bet you can find a box of things to donate in less than 20 minutes!

Let’s get started!

  1. Refrigerator clutter. Visual clutter is mental clutter. Take the magnets and papers off the front of your fridge. If you need to, use a side you don’t see to keep a few things you need to see. Or set up a command center on the inside of a cabinet door on inside your pantry.

  2. Duplicates - utensils, frying pans, pots, etc. If you have more than one of something that you can only use at one time, let it go! Pick your favorite because you’re probably only using that one anyhow!

  3. Fancy platters and delicate items you don’t use. I have a few fancy serving pieces that I love to use for special occasions. But when I first started in this journey I had quite a few glass platters that were still in the box. They weren’t my style and I had never used them. I was able to pass them on to someone starting a catering business. If you’re not using it, donate it so someone who wants it can have it!

  4. Too many travel mugs and tumblers. I don’t know how, but these just pile up. They duplicate themselves somehow. I often have to go through this category and choose the ones we actually use and then let the rest go.

  5. Plastic food storage without matching lids. Check your food storage bins and if you’re missing lids or bottoms, there is no reason to keep these. When we moved here I actually donated it all and bought a box of new food storage bins that were on sale from Costco. Sometimes we have to just start over in this category.

  6. Things with missing parts (missing lids/straws, etc.) Are you missing a straw to a travel cup? Maybe a part is missing to a small appliance? If so, there is no need to keep it.

  7. Items that no longer fit your season - kids’ utensils/plates, nutrition shake bottles, etc. My youngest is now 7 and a half. She’s getting past the stage of plastic forks, plates, etc. I passed these on to my sister who has younger children. If the season of life has passed, let the items go.

  8. Things you haven’t used. Sometimes we have things in our kitchen that are completely functional, but we don’t use them. For me this was a vegetable steamer. We prefer our vegetables sautéed in a skillet. I’ve had this steamer for a few years now and have never used it! It was time to let it go.

  9. Expired food. Canned goods, condiments, boxed foods, spices. This is a no brainer. But it’s pretty stinky to grab something to cook dinner with and it’s expired. Let your expired items go and give yourself room for things you can use in your pantry. Spices are another category in our kitchen that can quickly expire.

  10. Stuff on your countertops. This is another was to quickly make a big difference in your kitchen. Look at the items on your countertop and ask yourself these questions: Does it serve a purpose? Is it just collecting dust? Can it go in a cabinet? I keep my small appliances in my cabinets. However, my stand mixer is just too heavy to move and I use it really often, so it lives on the counter. I also have a few cake plates stacked up. These provide a pop of color and I do use them all at different times.
    My point is this, we don’t have to have completely bare countertops, but by keeping them as clear as possible, we make it easier to clean our kitchen and take away from visual clutter.

Let me know if you removed things from this list from your kitchen! If so, I know you’re enjoying your newly found margin in your cabinets.


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