Spring Clean Challenge

Spring is almost here! Many of of us are ready for a reset in our home and Spring Cleaning is a great way to do this. I don’t always Spring Clean, because I try to deep clean systematically. But this year has been a bit crazy and I’m ready for this reset.

For the sake of this video, I will be focusing on the cleaning aspect. However, it is always easier to clean your home and keep it clean when we only own what we really need. So I encourage you to get rid of as much of the unnecessary as you can during this process.

Click THIS link for a guide to follow this month. You can print it or reference it on your phone.

For the week leading up to this challenge I am going to encourage you to do 3 things.

  1. Gather supplies. You won’t need a lot to deep clean your home. I imagine you will have most of the supplies on hand. These are a few I recommend: (and links are attached)

    1. Microfiber cloths

    2. An extendable duster

    3. Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds

    4. For the kitchen we will also be using some white distilled vinegar and baking soda.

  2. Do a quick declutter and make a plan. Set a timer for 30 minutes, grab a box or trash bag and quickly run thought your home and clear as many surfaces of clutter as you can. This will make the cleaning process so much easier.
    Just as important as deciding what to get rid of, is making a plan of how you will get it out of your house. Determine now where you will donate your items.

  3. Keep the dirt outside by cleaning the spots where people walk in your home. It won’t help to having shining floors if dirt is easily tracked in.

    1. Sweep and hose off your front porch.

    2. If you need to, get new rugs. I know I’ve had mine a few years and it’s definitely time to replace them. I have my eye on THIS ONE.

Now it’s time to get started!

One of the most important things to remember is you want to clean top to bottom. There is no need to vacuum your couch if you then turn around and dust the ceiling fan right above it.

I have divided this into 4 weeks. Of course, you can do it all at once. You can follow this weekly plan and do it all in one day or divide it up over the week. Each week is different for my schedule, so some weeks I may do most of it it one day or sometimes I will need to divide it up.

For cleaning cabinets, walls, and baseboards, I use a sink of hot water and a squirt of Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds.

Week 1 - The Kitchen

  1. Ceilings/light fixtures/vents/windows/baseboards. Start with dusting or vacuuming everything and then wipe it down. Start at the top and move down.

  2. Inside cabinets - take everything out of each cabinet and wipe down the inside. This is a great time to determine if the things in the cabinet are what you use and if they are in the place that works best for you.

  3. Outside of the cabinets/furniture. Wipe down all of your cabinet exteriors and all the furniture in your kitchen and dining space.

  4. Appliances. This can be done throughout the week. Deep clean your refrigerator, ovens, stove, microwave, hood vent, dishwasher, and any other appliances.

  5. Pantry/food storage. Finally, clean out where you store your food. Remove things from the shelves and wipe them down. Check your food for expired items. If something is close to expiring, be sure to use it soon.

Week 2 - Living Room/Common Areas

These are all the spaces you share as a family - we will move on to bedrooms next week!

  1. Ceilings/light fixtures/vents. Start with dusting or vacuuming everything and then wipe it down. Start at the top and move down.

  2. Furniture. Vacuum your furniture with the correct attachment to remove dust. If your pillow cases are washable, now is a good time to do that. If your furniture is not fabric, wipe it down with a damp microfiber cloth.

  3. Baseboards/doors/fireplace.

  4. Stairs/Floor. If you have stairs, vacuum or wipe them down. Spot check your carpets and rugs for stains.

  5. Storage. Take this time to clean out your storage areas.

Week 3 - Bedrooms

This week is only divided into 3 categories. This varies so much for each person and the size of their home. If you have multiple people in your home you can do one bedroom at a time. I encourage you to get those people involved in deep cleaning their rooms.

  1. Ceilings/windows/light fixtures/doors/baseboards. Start at the top and move to the bottom.

  2. Furniture/bedding. Vacuum and wipe down all furniture. Use a lint roller for fabric beds. Wash all of your bedding. Don’t forget to start this early in the day so you have clean bedding when it’s bedtime.

  3. Closets. Even if you don’t have the time to fully minimize and organize your closets, take some time to neaten them up. Wipe and dust everything.

Week 4 - Bathrooms

  1. Ceilings/light fixtures/vents/windows/baseboards. Start with dusting or vacuuming everything and then wipe it down. Start at the top and move down.

  2. Inside your cabinets/bathroom storage. Move everything out and wipe it down. Don’t forget that toiletries expire. Anything older than a year really needs to go.

  3. Outside cabinets/furniture.

  4. Sink/Tub/Shower/Etc. Deep clean these places in your home. You can deep clean the drains. If you have a tub with jets, be sure to run a deep clean cycle.

  5. Walls and floors. Walls and floors in a bathroom can get really dirty due to all of the steam we create. Be sure to wipe the down. You may need a brush in the corners of your floors.

Now your house is clean! And a clean house definitely gives you margin in your life for the good things!


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