10 Microhabits That Will Change Your Life (and Your Home!)

Here are 10 simple things you can start today to simplify your life. These are tiny habits, or microhabits, that are easy to pick up and begin! (Check out the YouTube video HERE for more ideas!)

  1. Mail - sort it when it comes in rather than letting it pile up. Or better yet, stop it before it comes in. You can unsubscribe from a lot of mail types and toss your junk mail while at the post office. This takes mere seconds and keeps the paper piles at bay.

  2. Put things away immediately. This tiny habit will likely have the biggest impact. Instead of dropping our stuff where we are, take the time to put things away and only touch the item once. You’re saving time and sanity!

  3. Unsubscribe to unneeded emails. This makes it easier to keep your inbox cleared out and spot the important emails quickly.

  4. Delete or sort email immediately. Many times we wait until our inbox is overflowing. And while that might not be physical clutter, it is mental clutter. We can also easily miss important emails if we let this build up. Choose one time a day to delete unneeded emails and sort emails into folders that you might need to keep, but not respond to.

  5. Create a time to answer email and get to inbox zero. Getting your email to inbox zero is a game changer. I didn’t always do this, but once I started, I’m so glad I did! I try to do this at least once a week. It forces me to answer any emails I haven’t taken the time to do or complete any tasks that are in my inbox.

  6. Grab any trash when you exit your car. When I do this on a regular basis my car stays decently clean. I do try to run the vacuum through it once a week and if you have the time, taking it to a car wash for a professional clean is wonderful! I’m sure I should do that more often.

  7. Keep lists on your phone. Do you ever run in the store and know there was something else you were supposed to pick up. I try to add grocery items to my phone and that way I have that list with me at all times. I also utilize my reminders app to keep a list of those little tasks I think of when I’m away from my planner. This is a must for me to get those little, but important, things done.

  8. Snap a photo of a note and toss the note. This is great for those Amazon return receipts or any other receipt you might need to hang on to. Another tip is to add notes to your phone rather than on paper if it’s something you’ll need to refer back to. This is one additional way to eliminate paper clutter and be able to find what you need quickly.

  9. Load the dishwasher as you finish a cup, plate, etc. This is a work in progress in my home. But when we start the day with an empty dishwasher and actually follow through with this, it makes dinner cleanup so easy!

  10. Start the dishwasher before bed each night. And of course, if you want to start your day with an empty dishwasher, it’s important to start it the night before.

There are just some simple habits I thought of that can add margin to your life!


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