How To Create Your Ideal Morning Routine
Last week I shared what my morning routine looks like. It has changed over the years and I’m certain it will continue to change. Routines are meant to serve you in the season of life you are currently in. Don’t be afraid to try something out and then change it if it doesn’t work!
Here are a few easy steps to take to create your own morning routine.
What are the things you would like (and need) to do in the mornings? Write these down.
How much time will each of these take? Write down the estimated time beside the task. For example: Coffee - 5 minutes, Get ready - 20 minutes, Make bed and straighten - 5 minutes. Don’t forget to add the full time it takes. If you have a 30 minute workout, do you have to change clothes? Get the workout started? Take some time to cool down before your shower? You might need to allot 40 minutes for this 30 minute workout.
How much time do you have? Be honest with yourself. If you are currently feeling really rushed in the mornings by waking up at 6am and flying out the door at 7am, creating a 3 hour morning routine would mean you need to start waking up at 4am. This would mean you need to be asleep by 8pm. This might work perfectly for you! But be aware of this when you are deciding the time you have. I would only recommend adding 30 minutes to your current morning wake up time. When you’ve mastered that and your body has adjusted, add 30 more minutes. This isn’t scientific, but it’s practical.
Is there anything you can move to the evening routine? If packing your lunch is on your morning list, I encourage you to pack your lunch the night before.
Within the time frame you have available, what are the most important things for you to get done? You might want to do a work out, but getting dressed is of utmost priority before you go into the office. Prioritize your list. We can say that our devotion time is the most important, but if I spend 30 minutes scrolling social media in the morning, I am choosing a different priority. If this seems preachy - I’m preaching to myself! ;)
I encourage you to add a little cushion, or margin into your morning. Especially if you do not live alone! Things can be great on paper, but an extra 15 minutes goes a long way when there is an accident with one of the kids or someone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.Now write out your morning routine. Try it out for a week and see how you like it! Feel free to adjust what isn’t working for you. This is YOUR routine. Make it work for you!
Starting your day off on the right foot is a huge benefit for you. When I have time to sit in the quiet without feeling rushed my day goes a lot more smoothly than if I wake up having to rush out the door immediately.
Margin for good things in the morning is a beautiful thing!