6 Simple Things I Do To Create A Successful Day

Yes, some days things just go crazy no matter how well we have planned. But there are definitely things we can do to set our day up for success. Here are my top 6 things I do for a successful day.

  1. Prayer and Bible reading first thing each morning. By making this the first thing I do, I’m prioritizing the important things right away in my day. How we start our day is important!

  2. Make my bed. It may seem like a simple thing, but studies have shown that there are benefits to making our bed. We are more likely to get good sleep and to keep our bedroom tidy, which promotes a calmer mind and thus, better mental health. The little things do matter!

  3. 1 load of laundry a day. This is from wash to dry to fold and put away. Looming loads of laundry are one of the biggest things I hear busy women lament. I have found that by just doing one load a day I don’t have to deal with these piles. Of course, there are weekends where we have extra company, or I’ve missed a few days, and I might have a few extra loads. But for the most part, if I do one load a day I am able to totally stay caught up on laundry.

  4. 1 cleaning task. Rather than dreading cleaning or spending my entire Saturday cleaning my house, I break my cleaning tasks up into 15 minute segments. My house stays clean and I don’t have to dread the actual cleaning process.

  5. Priority 3 for the day. We can be so guilty of overwhelming ourselves. Or not getting the most important things done. By choosing the 3 most important things in a day we are ensuring that the right things are happening. And when we crush those, we can move on to the less important tasks.

  6. Nightly pickup/evening routine. This is a big one. A good morning starts the night before. By going to bed with my home tidy, my clothes laid out for tomorrow, and a plan in place, it is much more likely that my tomorrow will be successful.

All of these are very simple thins that you can implement today! Choose just one a day and by the end of the week you will have transformed your days!


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