Vacation Packing Tips

It’s almost Summer and according to, this year we will all be traveling at an all time high rate! I hope you have somewhere amazing planned to travel! And if you, I have you covered with my favorite vacation travel tips.

  • One nights stop bag: First, if you are like us, we like to leave later on one day and then stop overnight and get to our destination earlier the next day. So if you’re doing this, pack a bag with all the toiletries and everyone’s clothes and pjs for the one night an one day. This way we are carrying in just one little bag for that one night rather than unloading the entire car. It’s a major time saver for me!

  • Pack for half the trip: I saw this tip from Courtney Carver and loved the way she worded it. I’ve done this many times and it’s amazing how I never need as many clothes as I think. One tip is to wear an outfit for dinner one night and then wear it again the next day. If you’re worried you won’t have enough clothes, bring laundry detergent along with you and do a quick load of laundry mid-week of your vacation.

  • Laundry Bag: I have THIS foldable laundry bag and I love it! Keeping dirty laundry separated during a vacation, especially cramped in a little hotel room, is a must! When I get home, I just dump this bag in the washing machine and even go ahead and wash the bag too.

  • Spare room for souvenirs/shopping: If you’re traveling somewhere and plan to bring home souvenirs or if you plan on doing shopping while you’re on vacation, don’t forget to leave room to bring them home! If you’re flying you can add a foldable duffle bag (like THIS one) and use it to bring home your extra items.

  • Medicine: While I’m not usually one to pack for “just in case” or “what if”, but I do have a few kinds of children’s medicines that I prefer and they are not always easy to find. I will grab a gallon ziplock bag and toss these in. If I do need some meds, they are handy and I can save a lot of money by having these on hand. Now, I have found a new items I love so much! I have THIS little container that I bought for a recent trip, but now keep it in my bag for every day use and it’s been so handy!

  • Keep a toiletry bag always packed: By keeping my toiletry bag always packed, it makes packing for vacation so easy! You can even keep a list of what you use every day and double check that you have your items stocked ahead of time! If you’re looking for a good toiletry bag, check THIS one out! I’ve had it over a year and love it.

Where are you planning on going this Summer? Let me know if you try one of these packing tips and how it works for you!


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