Reset Your Home in 4 Weeks - Week 4: The Bathrooms & Laundry Room

Week 4 of our Reset Challenge is here! This week we are focusing on the bathrooms and laundry room (or the area you do laundry in.)

Day 1: Declutter Bathroom cabinets and drawers

Take everything out and toss anything that is expired or that you no longer use. Wipe down the inside of your cabinets and drawers and put it all back neatly. 

In the bathroom I like to use bins to contain like items. This helps me to easily see what I have and if something were to leak, it is contained in that bin. 

Another great thing to do today is make a list of all the items you regularly use and be sure you have one of those in your blackstock bin. It’s no fun to run out of deodorant, toothpaste, or hair gel when you need it!

Day 2: Baseboards, Cabinets, Blinds, Windows

Today we are wiping all of these down. First, vacuum or dust these surfaces. It makes it easier to wipe once you have cleared the dust. 

Day 3: Laundry Declutter

On Day 3 we are going to declutter our laundry room. Are you using everything that is in that space? Do you have some items that need to be thrown away or donated? Laundry rooms can easily be a catch all space, so take some time to clear the clutter.

Day 4: Deep clean tub, toilet, washer, dryer, etc.

Today we are cleaning our appliances. If you have a jacuzzi tub, run a cleaning cycle through it. If it’s been a while, throughly clean the base of your toilet and the floor around it using a sanitizer.

For the laundry room, I will run a cleaning cycle on my washing machine and then wipe down the inside of the drum, especially the upper portion where the water rarely hits. For the dryer, empty your lint filter and vacuum as much of the lint away as you can. These steps keep our appliances clean, but also keep them working for a long time!

Day 5: Lights, fans, vents, etc.

Dust and wipe down all of your vents, lights, and fans. Dust around the edges of your ceiling. 

A few of these days are easier than others, so if you miss a day you can catch up!

Congratulations! You have reset your home in only 4 weeks! 


Reset Your Home: Bonus Week ~ Storage Areas


Reset Your Home in 4 Weeks - Week 3: The Living Areas