5 Ways to Save Money on Your Home Decorations

I love having a home that is beautiful and full of things I enjoy looking at and using. But this season in my life does not allow for me to just go into my favorite store and buy a room full of furniture and decorations. When we first moved into our home, we owned very little. I was starting from scratch and on a tight budget. These are 5 tips that have helped me decorate my home and not break the bank!

  1. Start slow. There is no need to quickly decorate a space. Even if you are having friends over, they will understand that you are in the process of creating the home you love. Wait until you find the things you truly love and will keep for a long time.

  2. Mix inexpensive and more high quality items. I have things from thrift stores and Target, but then I splurged on my living room curtains. I knew these were a high-impact item and I was willing to wait and save my money. By mixing inexpensive and high-quality, you can create a room that looks more expensive than it is.

  3. Find good discount stores in your area and frequent them. When I was first looking for furniture I visited an outlet store in our area called Ballard Designs. This is a company that sells high end furniture and decorations online. However, I discovered that they have an outlet for damaged or clearance items. I have found quite a few things at this store. Even if you live in a small city, there is likely a store like this nearby.

  4. Sell something to buy something. Now that we have lived in our home a while I have needed to change some things up. I had a beautiful chandelier in my dining room. But now we have converted this room to an office and I need a semi-flush mount light. I was able to sell my chandelier and only spent a small amount to purchase the light I needed. We all have things in our home we can sell to help us purchases we need. I have had a lot of luck with Facebook Marketplace to sell home decor items.

  5. Choose classic and interchangeable pieces. I have a cohesive theme for our home. Most rooms have a similar color palette. Because of this I can move chairs from one room to the next and they still work! By buying classic pieces for my furniture and larger items, it allows me to mix up my decorations while “shopping my house.”

These are a few of my favorite ways to save money on decorations. What are yours?


5 Budgeting Tips


Money Saving Tips