3 Tips to Create Habits

We all have habits in our life. Some are good and some are not so good. Here are 3 tips to help you create better habits and even drop some of the habits you want to get out of your life.

  1. Reminder
    I need reminders for most things. I’d love to tell you that my brain remembers all the things, but that is just not true. There are some things I don’t think a second about, and then there are MANY more things that I need a reminder to get it done. There are a few ways I use reminders to create habits.

    1. My planner. Checking with my planner is a habit I have had for years. So if there is something I want to get done, I will write it in my planner. This way I know I’m checking that list multiple times a day. If I choose to not do it, it’s a choice and not because I simply forgot.

    2. Phone reminders. I have several things set up on my phone that remind me at certain times during the day to do things. I even have a reminder for when I need to getting ready for bed. I can get all cleaned up for dinner and then get busy with something and totally lose track of time.

    3. Notes. Another way to reminder yourself if with a note. Leave a note on your coffee maker or on your mirror.

  2. Habit Stacking
    Stacking a new habit with something you already have as a habit in your life is a great way to add a new habit. I’ve been married for almost 20 years and put my ring on every morning. I’ve had an Apple watch for about 5 years now and it was recently broken. I’ve decided to not replace it and so I removed the charger from my bathroom counter. I used to put both of these on each morning and recently I have discovered I’ve forgotten my ring several times! This seemed so crazy to me, but somehow seeing my watch on the counter had been attached to putting my ring on and without my watch, I also forgot the ring. Stacking your habits can be a powerful tool. Here are a few examples of how you can do this.

    1. What is the first thing you do each morning? Put a reminder nearby to move on to the next thing you want to do. I keep my Bible on my coffee table. This way after I make my coffee and go sit in the living room, I always see my Bible and move on to my next habit.

    2. I take my vitamins every day and used to forget to give my kids theirs. I started keeping all of our vitamins in the same place and now when I pull mine out, I take theirs out too and we all take them.

    3. If you want to add a new level of skin care to your routine, put it beside something you use often like your deodorant or toothpaste.

  3. Accountability
    Accountability is a powerful tool for so many things in our lives. Using this tool is a great way to create a habit.

    1. Friends. Do you have a friend who also is wanting to drink more water or exercise more often? Ask your friend to help you with accountability. Text each other when you are taking your daily walk or even when you don’t want to and need encouragement.

    2. Group. You can find groups of people doing just about anything. This can be at your gym or on Facebook. This is a great way to find encouragement and others who are working towards the same goal.

    3. Social Media. This is one that might not be everyones favorite tool, but I have seen it work for many people. You can find a group on social media or post about your journey. This will encourage other people and you will likely find new friends who are working on the same thing!

What is a habit you want to start? What is a habit you would like to let go of?

I’ll go first - I need to add more exercise into my day and less nighttime snacking. Your turn!


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