Why Decluttering Doesn’t Work
We talk a lot about decluttering. I talk a lot about it. It seems to be a word that isn’t as scary to many as the word minimalism. However, there are some issues with decluttering. Here are the top 3 problems I see with decluttering.
It’s one and done. Many times we set out to declutter and mark it off the list. Done!
Decluttering doesn’t always include a system. You can declutter a closet or space. Get all of the extra things out, but if there isn’t a system in place, it won’t stay neat for long.
Decluttering doesn’t address our habits. If we are continually purchasing things we don’t need, we will find ourselves needing to declutter over and over again.
But I have good news! We can fix these and enjoy a life style free from clutter!
Yes, we will occasionally need to straighten up a space and even reevaluate what is in it. But if we take the time and effort to address systems and habits, we have conquered the clutter!
Once you have decluttered a space, now it’s time to create a system. What do you use this space/zone/closet/cabinet for? Create a system for how things will work. Now, a system doesn’t work without first minimizing the space. I have always been considered a pretty organized person. But I found myself organizing and reorganizing over and over again. This was a horrible cycle because I hadn’t minimized. It’s like a tower of blocks. They will stay put for a short time. But if you try to remove a block or add a block, it all comes crashing down!
Creating a system doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t even need all matching bins or containers. You need to make the space function for you and your needs.
The final piece of conquering clutter for good is changing our mindset and habits. If we continue to hold on to things long after they have served their purpose and bring things into our home that we don’t need, this cycle will continue. Before you purchase a new item, ask yourself these questions.
Do I need this?
Where will I use this in my home? (I’m looking at you Target Clearance end caps!)
Do I already have something like this? (If yes, am I getting rid of the one I have?)
Can I wait on this purchase and think about it to be certain I do need it?
These simple questions will help you make sure you are purchasing things you really need!
So go ahead! Make plan to declutter your home. But know that we can’t stop there. If you want to to truly conquer clutter, continue on and create systems for your spaces and create new habits for what you bring into your home.
A clutter free home truly gives us margin for the good things.