Top 3 Tips For A Productive Week

Today I am sharing my top 3 tips to get the most done in your week!

  1. Write it down
    If I don’t get it written down, it is very likely I will forget! The best way I have found to get things done - especially those little tasks (that can make a big difference!) is to write things down.
    There are multiple ways I do this. If I have my planner close by I will write it on today, if I plan to do it today. Or I will write it on the master list for the week. No matter what, by writing it in my planner I can making sure it’s not forgotten.
    Often, I am away from home and without my planner. What then? I use the Reminders app on my iPhone. (Any other phone will have a similar app that helps keep up with lists.) I will add this to my “To Do This Week” list. I glance at this list often during the week when I’m planning my days.
    No matter what kind of planner or list you use, writing down tasks is the best way to be sure you’re not forgetting them.

  2. Get the most important things done first.
    When planning my week I always have a few things that are most important to do. Sometimes they might not be a large project, but a phone call I need to make, or an appointment to book. These things might seem small, but they are important. I try to work these things in my week at the very beginning - Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. This allows for margin! What if something unexpected happens? If it happens early in the week, I have room later in the week to put this task. But if I wait until Saturday to do something I need for Sunday, I am tempting Murphy. (If it can go wrong it will go wrong.)
    I like to take this a step further. During each day I have a Big 3. These are the 3 most important things for me to do. While it might seem easier to grab the little tasks, if I will go ahead and do the most important items first, I will be well on my way to a very productive day and week.

  3. Set A timer.
    Timers are my best friend. When I’m thinking of things I need to do, often the task seems really large. But what if I decide to work just 30 minutes on it today? That seems much more manageable. Sometimes I do stop at the 30 minute mark, but sometimes I have found my stride and if I have the time I keep going and knock it out!
    Rather than feel overwhelmed by a task, set a timer and give yourself a specific amount of time to work on it. This can pertain to anything.
    We recently updated and organized our garage. I took an hour here and an hour there to do some prep work for the Saturday that we really dug in and worked on it.
    While this blog is a passion of mine, I don’t get to set aside entire days for this. I get my blog posts and social media content done usually 30 minutes at a time.

These are my favorite productivity tips for my most productive week! What helps you be your most productive self?


How I Set Up My Week


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